Horse Breeds
Rocky Mountain Horse Profile

Country of Origin: United States
Use today: Today the breed is a favorite mount for pleasure, competitive trail and endurance racing.
Color: The Rocky Mountain Horse is found in all solid colors with limited white facial markings.
Height: 14.2 to 16 hands
Rocky Mountain HORSE STATS
Rocky Mountain Horse Breed
Country of Origin: United States
Use today: Today the breed is a favorite mount for pleasure, competitive trail and endurance racing.
Color: The Rocky Mountain Horse is found in all solid colors with limited white facial markings.
Height: 14.2 to 16 hands
What’s this?
Rocky Mountain HORSE PROFILE
Profile: The Rocky Mountain Horse originated in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in eastern Kentucky in the late 1800s. The breed gets its name from its foundation stallion, a gaited horse from the Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountain Horse was the farmer’s best friend–pulling a plow during the week and taking the family to town on the weekend. It was also the prized mount of area doctors and traveling preachers. The comfortable ambling, four-beat gait made it a horse that people of all experience levels could ride. Today the breed is a favorite mount for pleasure, competitive trail and endurance racing.
Characteristics: The Rocky Mountain Horse is a medium-sized breed that stands from 14.2 to 16 hands high. Its comfortable four-beat gait is called the single foot (similar to the rack), in which each hoof hits the ground independently and can be performed at varying speeds. The Rocky Mountain Horse is found in all solid colors with limited white facial markings.
You Fine Bronze Horse Statues Profile
You Fine was founded since 1983,which is specialized in bronze casting with a great expanding in all fields of Sculpting Business during the past 30 years.Mainly operating production contains Standing Horse,Jumping Horse,Horse Racing,Horse Trophies ,Horse Figurines
No matter the style you are looking for,You Fine is sure to have many selections to suit your personal decor and lifestyle for bronze horse statue &sculpture .
A good quality bronze horse statue,not only need nice design,but also good casting quality. We are always proud of our casting quality. With advanced lost-wax casting,finest welding & chasing skills,excellent patina and best bronze raw material,we always supply art-quality casting.